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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Why I heart Monty Python

First off, who is -- I?

I am a thirteen year-old thrity-plus year old late-bloomer and also late in my discovery - fortunately not too late - of Monty Python.

Our south-east Asian country - being once an American colony - adored everything American and probably found it too easy to understand their accent more than the English.

We also didnt have VCRs growing up & even if my cousin did have one, we only had access to - and our relatives preferred - the Police Academy movies more than any other comedy.

Fast forward years later when I finally got broadband installed and saw Monty Python video clips on YouTube - at the same time when I was reeling from a sad heart (read: boyfriend break-up) and was looking onto YouTube to help distract me from the "hurtful" now and viola --

up came The Funniest Joke in the World.

and the BISHOP!


and - this one waked me from my self-imposed depression, literally - Keep it Up!.

And these are why I HEART MONTY PYTHON.

They have mastered the art of deflating egos, popping bubbles of grand illusion and bringing people back to reality's grounds - and in an entertaining way too - more than any religion or yoga position would.

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